People / Student Research Assistant

Jake Barker

Jake is a Master of Forestry candidate (’24) at the Yale School of the Environment focusing on western forest management, restoration, and conservation. At the Carbon Containment Lab, he is exploring western forest management costs and biomass utilization pathways. Prior to Yale, he worked in conservation forestry in the Pacific Northwest and as a forestry technician in timber sales for the USDA Forest Service Enterprise Program. Currently, he is contributing to diverse programs in the Rocky Mountain region as a Conservation Connect Fellow with the National Forest Foundation. This semester, he is thrilled to continue supporting the Yale Forest Forum as a Teaching Fellow for the Tribal Forestry webinar series with Salish Kootenai College. Outside of class, he is a student officer for Yale Temperate Forestry, Western Connections and Community, and is a student member of OneYSE. Upon graduation, Jake is excited to be joining the Forestry and Natural Resources Extension at Oregon State University as an Extension Forester for the North Willamette Valley. In his free time, Jake enjoys surfing, cycling, and making soup.

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